How Was Your Night? (Updated with two lame pictures)

Kinja'd!!! "sonicgabe" (gabeloewenberg)
09/10/2016 at 13:00 • Filed to: Crazy Town

Kinja'd!!!4 Kinja'd!!! 13

So I don’t even know where to begin with what just happened...

At some point a little bit ago, we can hear what sounds like someone knocking on the front door of the house next door, maybe about 10:40pm. There have been some sketchy folks living there for a while. Sometimes, no one lives there. Sometimes, five or six questionable people. The occasional late night door knocking over there isn’t uncommon.

Shortly after the knocking, the dog starts acting like she’s going to vomit. I hurry her out to the back yard. She had taken her monthly heartworm med tonight and it upset her tummy. While out back, I see lots of flashlight action from around the house next door. There is banging on windows and doors, and some muffled voices. Great. Time to call the police. While the dog is contemplating puking, I hear glass break. I run inside to check on Lady SonicGabe and to make sure it wasn’t our window. She’s fine, wasn’t our window.

When I look out the front door, I see the cops are already on scene, at least three cars. They were the flashlights I saw around back. They are hollering at the guy in the house next door.

Now, a little more back story... That house went up for sale a while back, asking price just over half a million. It then went in to foreclosure, but the sketchy people still kinda lived there. Starting last week, they had been moving stuff out. This continued today with people loading stuff in to a Uhaul, which is still parked over there.

Back to tonight... The police are hollering at this guy. He’s someone who has been living there on and off for the better part of at least two years. He broke out one of the upstairs bedroom windows from the inside. He’s yelling at the police that there is someone with a gun inside his house. The police are yelling at him that there isn’t and for him to come down and open the door, to which he says “No”, along with some other colorful things. The police then tell him they are leaving and good luck.

During all of this, I informed one officer about the moving out that has been going on.

Upon going back inside, we find the dog has finally puked. All over the bed. Wonderful.

Then, there is a knock at the door. It’s the police. They are wondering if we have a crowbar so they can get in to the house.

Yes. Yes, we do have a crowbar. A large crowbar. Please take it and get this over with.

After a little while, they take the guy out in cuffs. He’s belligerent and wants to know why he’s being arrested and what he’s charged with. They tell him he not under arrest and not charged with anything. I guess that means a trip to the psych ward?

We did a little poking around and it turns out the house was sold to the bank back in July. The police tell us the house is pretty empty and it looks like someone has been squatting there. They return our crowbar and ask us to call them if anyone else shows up at the house.

The cops are gone. The sheets are changed. The dog and Lady SonicGabe are asleep. I’m assuming whoever was helping him load the truck today will show up tomorrow, wondering where he went. I’m also assuming the Uhaul won’t be returned on time.

Time for bed.

Update :

Kinja'd!!! Kinja'd!!!

Thought I should dispose of the large window pieces that landed next to our bedroom window. Better now than to find them by accident later and thus requiring a trip to the ER for stitches.

So far, no action at the house. And hopefully my hard to find roof leak is fixed.


Kinja'd!!! BKosher84 > sonicgabe
09/10/2016 at 01:43


When those “friends” show up tomorrow I suggest calling the cops on them..

Kinja'd!!! Chan - Mid-engine with cabin fever > sonicgabe
09/10/2016 at 01:43


Damn what drama. A peaceful weekend to you and yours, good sir.

Kinja'd!!! Gripevo1 > sonicgabe
09/10/2016 at 01:43


Sounds like fun. Good thing you and your wife(and puke machine dog) are okay. Hopefully the sketchy people dont come back. Maybe time to invest i some extra security(gun or something ..,?).

Kinja'd!!! DutchieDC2R > sonicgabe
09/10/2016 at 01:55


Sounds like typical Uhaul customers..

Kinja'd!!! sonicgabe > Gripevo1
09/10/2016 at 02:05


Oddly, we live in a very nice neighborhood. Sébastien Bourdais lives just a short walk away. Dan Wheldon’s old house is even closer. It’s usually very quiet. In fact, the people around here got the city to have emergency vehicles cut their sirens when driving through here from after 9pm. I don’t think we’ll have a problem. If we have to call the cops on anyone who shows back up, they cops will be here with a quickness. But, if needed, if some not cool person is at our door, or even if the guy himself shows back up in a day or so, all we have to do is chamber a round in the shotgun while standing at the front door. It makes the universal sound for “back the fuck up”.

Kinja'd!!! sonicgabe > Gripevo1
09/10/2016 at 02:06


(Reply posted twice, second one is now gone)

Kinja'd!!! sonicgabe > Chan - Mid-engine with cabin fever
09/10/2016 at 02:11


Working on the roof tomorrow, been chasing a small leak; then off to the USF football game. Maybe the Uhaul will be gone when we wake up tomorrow.

Kinja'd!!! sonicgabe > BKosher84
09/10/2016 at 02:13


That’s the plan.

Kinja'd!!! atfsgeoff > sonicgabe
09/10/2016 at 02:44


Congratulations, now you have a fantastic story to tell at box socials which starts with “Did I tell you about the time that I lent my crowbar to the police?...”

Kinja'd!!! mcseanerson > sonicgabe
09/10/2016 at 03:47


Yeah but that town is pretty crazy pants. You’ll have mcmansions left and right and then a couple blocks away you’ll be in the ghetto.

I always got the impression there was not much of a middle class there.

Kinja'd!!! shop-teacher > sonicgabe
09/10/2016 at 08:40


That’s pretty crazy.

Kinja'd!!! Roadster Man > sonicgabe
09/10/2016 at 14:01


That’s sketchy! You should ransack the house for auto parts while you have the chance.

It’s better than getting beaten up by cops for no reason during a traffic stop, that really messes with you psychologically (speaking from experience but can’t say more, complaints may or may not be pending)

Kinja'd!!! sonicgabe > Roadster Man
09/10/2016 at 14:16


Being that no one that’s lived there really seemed to have a car...